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Alexis MacIsaac & Calum MacKenzie

Tha an dithis Chanadianach NicÌsaaic is MacCoinnich air fuaim glan, aonaichte a chruthachadh, a’ ceangal stoidhlichean fìdhle à Èirinn, Alba is Ceap Breatainn le stoidhle-cluiche piàna à Ceap Breatainn. Cluichidh iad le spèis ceòl ùr agus traidiseanta, làn de sheann fhaireachdainn agus blas an latha an-diugh.

Canadian duo MacIsaac and MacKenzie have created a clean, seamless sound combining Irish, Scottish and Cape Breton fiddle styles with the distinctive piano style from Cape Breton.  They present a compilation of original and traditional compositions, infused with century-old feeling and contemporary flair.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Golspie Inn - Saturday 2 September

Resolis Memorial Hall, Balblair - Monday 4 September

Plockton High School - Tuesday 5 September

Alexis MacIsaac & Calum Mackenzie at Blas Festival
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