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Bha bliadhna air leth aig a’ chòmhlan-ciùil adhartach Breabach ann an 2016, ’s gu sònraichte an dèidh dhaibh duaisean ‘Còmhlan Ceòl-dùthchais na Bliadhna’ agus ‘Clàr na Bliadhna’ a chosnadh aig Na Trads air BBC Alba. Ann an 2017, chaidh am moladh airson duais ‘Còmhlan as Fheàrr’ aig Duaisean Ceòl Dùthchais BBC Rèidio 2 agus airson duais ‘Clàr Eòrpach na Bliadhna’ aig Duaisean Ciùil Songlines. Bidh iad gu tric air chuairt a’ cluich le fuaim a thathar a’ sìor leasachadh agus aig an aon àm a’ daingneachadh a’ chliù a th’ aca mar fhear de phrìomh chòmhlain na dùthcha.


Walking away with the accolades ‘Folk Band of the Year’ and ‘Album of Year’ at the 2016 Scots Trad Music Awards was the perfect way to round off an exciting year for Scottish contemporary-folk group Breabach. Now 2017 sees them nominated 'Best Group' at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards and ‘European Album of the Year’ in the Songlines Music Awards, and they are back out on tour showcasing an increasingly mature sound and live performance, whilst simultaneously building their international recognition on the world and roots music scene as one of the UK’s most dynamic and exciting bands.


Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Badenoch Centre, Kingussie - Saturday 2 September

Breabach at Blas Festival
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