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The Cast Ewe Ceilidh Band

’S e còmhlan traidiseanta stèidhichte air taobh siar na h-Alba a tha sa Chast Ewe Ceilidh Band. Cluichidh iad aig pàrtaidhean, cèilidhean, dannsaichean agus cha mhòr rud sam bith eile a smaoineachas tu air!

The Cast Ewe Ceilidh Band is a traditional band based on the West Coast of Scotland specialising in parties, ceilidhs, dances and just about anything else you can think of!


Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Kilmuir Village Hall - Friday 8 September

Torridon Community Hall - Saturday 9 September

The Cast Ewe Ceilidh Band at Blas Festival
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