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Laoch Loch Abair  - Fergie MacDonald

Oidhche air leth romhainn, ’s sinn a’ dèanamh luaidh air an duine shònraichte, Fergie Dòmhnallach. An dèidh 65 bliadhna a’ cluich aig cèilidhean is dannsaichean, tha Rìgh nan Cèilidh a’ leigeil dheth a dhreuchd; dèan cinnteach gum bi thu ann airson cùrsa-beatha iongantach Fhergie a chomharrachadh.

A night not to be missed as we celebrate the man, the Myth, the Legend, that is Fergie MacDonald. After 65 years of being a band leader, the Ceilidh King has decided to hang up his accordion straps so be sure to join us for a night celebrating his expansive career!

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Nevis Centre, Fort WIlliam - Friday 1 September 

Fergie MacDonald at Blas Festival
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