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Eilidh Cormack

Choisinn Eilidh Bonn Òir a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich ann an 2014 aig a’ Mhòd ann an Inbhir Nis, is i air a bhith a’ seinn bho aois gu math òg. Tha i a-nis na pàirt den chòmhlan ùr SIAN, còmhla ri Ellen NicDhòmhnaill agus Ceitlin Nic a’ Ghobhainn, a sheinneas gu h-àraid òrain le bana-bhàird Ghàidhlig.

Eilidh won the Gold Medal at the Royal National Mod in 2014, but she has been singing since she was very young. She, along with Ellen MacDonald and Ceitlin Smith, is a member of the new group SIAN, with a particular focus on the songs of the Gaelic poetesses.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Golspie Inn - Saturday 2 September (Sian)

St Andrew's Cathedral - Sunday 3 September (Sian)

Aros, Portree - Wednesday 6 September

Eilidh Cormack at Blas Festival
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