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Com-pàirteachas | Partnership - Fèis Rois Cèilidh Trail @25
Sultain / September 2024
Oidhche shònraichte airson 25 bliadhna de Chèilidh air Chuairt Fhèis Rois a chomharrachadh le com-pàirtichean na bliadhna sa, cuide ri seann laoich a' phròiseict. A thuilleadh air seo cluinneamaid bho cho-fharpaisich Mòd Ionadail Inbhir Pheofharain a tha air ùr-steidheachadh 's a thèid a chumail nas tràithe air an latha seo.
A special evening to celebrate the 25th year of the Fèis Rois Cèilidh Trail featuring participants past and present, as well as performances from prizewinners from the recently re-established Dingwall procinical mod which will be held earlier in the day.
Legion Club, Dingwall
Legion Club Dingwall, Dingwall, IV15 9SN
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