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Robert Nairn Cèilidh Band with Claire Frances NicNìll and Calum MacColl

Robert Nairn Cèilidh Band with Claire Frances NicNìll and Calum MacColl
Sultain / September 2024
£5/£12/£15/£36 (pay what you can)

Buinnidh Raibeart Nairn do bhaile Cheanntra ann an Àrd nam Murchan. Tha an ceòl a bhios e a’ cluich air a’ bhogsa phutain freumhaichte ann an dualchas Gàidhlig is pìobaireachd a’ chosta an iar. Bidh a bhràthair, Ailean Nairn, còmhla ris air na drumaichean agus a’ ghiotàr gus cèilidh bheòthail a chumail a’ dol tron oidhche.

Tha Claire Frances NicNèill air aon de na guthan ùra as inntinniche a tha ri chluinntinn ann an saoghal ceòl traidiseanta na h-Alba. Le freumhan ann an Eilean Bharraigh agus Loch Abar, tha a stoidhle seinn stèidhichte ann an traidiseanan a h-òige.

Bhuannaich an t-seinneadair, pìobaire agus cluicheadair bogsa-ciùil, Calum MacColla, a bhuineas don Ghearasdan bho thùs, Bonn Òir an t-Seann Nòis aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail Inbhir Nis 2022 agus tha fèill mhòr air aig tachartasan air feadh na dùthcha. Tha e cuideachd nochdadh gu tric air telebhisean agus e na neach-craolaidh na sìde aig BBC Scotland.

Robert Nairn hails from the village of Kentra on the east side of the Ardnamurchan peninsula. The music he plays on his button keyed accordion is rooted in the west coast highland Gaelic and piping tradition. He will be joined by his brother, Allan Nairn, on the drums and guitar to provide lively cèilidh dancing throughout the evening.

Claire Frances MacNeil is one of the most exciting new, up-and-coming voices in the Scottish traditional music scene. Hailing from the Isle of Barra and Lochaber, her singing style is deeply rooted in the traditions of her upbringing while pushing boundaries with an alternative and highly skilled repertoire encompassing a diverse range of melodic and rhythmic expressions.

Gaelic singer, piper and accordionist Calum MacColl, originally from Fort William, won the coveted Traditional Gold Medal at the 2022 Royal National Mòd in Inverness and is in great demand to perform at events across the country. He is also a familiar face on television as one of BBC Scotland’s weather forcasters.


Roybridge Memorial Hall

Braeroy Rd, Roybridge, Roy Bridge PH31 4AJ

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