À Siorrachd Dhùn nan Gall, Èirinn, tha FIDIL aithnichte anns an dòigh anns a bheil iad a’ cleachdadh na fìdhle mar cheòl-taic an àite ionnsramaidean mar ghiotàr no piàna. Tha iad a’ cleachdadh dhòighean ùra, eadar-dhealaichte san dòigh-cluiche aca agus tha luchd-èisteachd air a bheò-ghlacadh leis na tionndaidhean air fuinn thraidiseanta air an stèidheachadh ann an cultar na fìdhle Dhùn nan Gall. Thathar ag ràdh mu FIDIL: “A trio of undeniable range, vision and chops. Ciarán O’ Maonaigh, Aidan O’Donnell, and Damien McGeehan are recalibrating how the sound of the fiddle is received and perceived in Irish traditional music and are charting new territory for the instrument in the process”.
From Co. Donegal, Ireland, FIDIL are remarkable in the fact that they don’t use conventional accompaniment such as the guitar or piano, instead exploring the use of the fiddle in traditional music, using diverse and ground-breaking techniques to do so. Audiences are captivated by breath-taking arrangements of traditional tunes coupled with a depth of lore of the Donegal fiddle tradition. Described as “A trio of undeniable range, vision, and chops. Ciarán O’ Maonaigh, Aidan O’Donnell, and Damien McGeehan are recalibrating how the sound of the fiddle is received and perceived in Irish traditional music and are charting new territory for the instrument in the process”.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Badenoch Centre, Kingussie - Saturday 2 September
Resolis Memorial Hall - Monday 4 September
Plockton High School - Tuesday 5 September