Gary Innes
’S ann à baile beag Drochaid an Aonachain a tha Gary Innes. Tha e a’ cluich a’ bhogsa agus b’ e fear den fheadhainn a stèidhich an còmhlan cliùiteach Mànran.
O chionn ghoirid, tha Gary air obair mar phreasantair air a’ phrògram rèidio ainmeil, ‘Take the Floor’ a ghabhail os làimh.
Dh’fhoillsich Gary an dàrna clàr aige fhèin, ERA, aig Celtic Connections ann an 2017, ’s tha an clàr air a bhith soirbheachail.
Seo na tha aig Gary ri ràdh mun tiotal: “I have called the album ERA as I wanted to mark the end of a significant period in my life. Due to musical commitments, I retired from my beloved sport of Shinty and for the same reason finished up with the Scottish Fire and Rescue service. A new era has now begun with the birth of my two nieces and getting married this year so ERA is about marking this change in my life’s direction.”
Highland born accordionist Gary Innes hails from the small village of Spean Bridge and is one of the founding members of award-winning Scottish super-group Mànran.
Gary has also recently taken over the helm as BBC Radio Scotland presenter for the iconic music show, ‘Take the Floor’.
The most recent success story in Gary’s expansive career has been the release of his second solo album ERA which was launched at Celtic Connections 2017,
When asked about the title, Gary said, “I have called the album ERA as I wanted to mark the end of a significant period in my life. Due to musical commitments, I retired from my beloved sport of Shinty and for the same reason finished up with the Scottish Fire and Rescue service. A new era has now begun with the birth of my two nieces and getting married this year so ERA is about marking this change in my life’s direction.”
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Nevis Centre, Fort William - Friday 1 September
Leven Centre - Wednesday 6 September
Strathy Village Hall - Friday 8 September
SEALL @ Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - Saturday 9 September