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Talla Choimhearsnachd Ghleann Eilge - 27/11 

Glenelg Village Hall - 27/11


Ticeadan Tickets
Concession £7
U-18 £5
Family Ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) £24

Sealladh sunndach air mar tha bàird a’ dèiligeadh ri cuspairean mar suirghe, briseadh-cridhe, pòsadh, connspaid eadar fir is mnathan, baidsealairean is seann mhaighdeannan ann an òrain Ghàidhlig, còmhla ri Raonaid Walker, Eòghann MacEanraig agus Jo NicDhòmhnaill. 

A light-hearted look at Gaelic songs of courtship, heartbreak, marriage, the marital state, and the consequences of remaining single with Rachel Walker, Ewen Henderson and Jo MacDonald.

Venue Address

Glenelg Village Hall

3 Kirkton,



IV40 8JR


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