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Taigh a' Bhaile, Inbhir Nis - 29/11

Inverness Town House - 29/11


Ticeadan Tickets
Concession £10
U-18 £5
Family Ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) £30

Càirdeas nam Pìobairean

Bidh cuid de phrìomh phìobairean na h-Alba a’ cluich an seo, le cuirm loma-làn de dhiofar phìoban is stoidhlichean a tha a’ riochdachadh pìobaireachd ann an Alba san latha a th’ ann. Cluinnear a’ Phìob Mhòr, Pìoban Rìdhleadh, Pìoban nan Crìochan agus Pìoban Beaga Albannach.

Tha fios gum bi an luchd-èisteachd air am beò-ghlacadh fad na h-oidhche ag èisteachd ris an Dr. Aonghas Dòmhnallach, Aonghas MacColla, Aonghas MacCoinnich, Fin Moore le Sarah Hoy, Gary West agus Brìghde Chaimbeul.

A stunning line up of our best pipers showcasing the wide and colourful range of pipes and styles that represents piping in Scotland today. Highland Pipes, Reel Pipes, Border Pipes and Scottish Small pipes.

The impressive line-up of Dr. Angus MacDonald, Angus McColl, Angus MacKenzie, Fin Moore with Sarah Hoy, Gary West and Brighde Chaimbeul will have the audience enthralled from the outset

Venue Address

Inverness Town House

Castle Wynd


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