Lauren MacColl (The Seer)
Sgrìobh Lauren NicColla ‘The Seer’ as leth Fèis Rois, le fòcas air beatha is fàidheadaireachd prìomh fhàidh na Gàidhealtachd, Coinneach Odhar. Chaidh am pìos-ciùil a chluich gu poblach airson a’ chiad uair aig Celtic Connections ann an 2017 agus tha na tachartasan seo aig Blas a’ comharrachadh foillseachadh a’ chlàir. Tha an ceòl air fad, ionnsramaidean agus òrain, a’ toirt ar n-aire gu cuid de na rudan a thuirt am fàidh, cuid de na caractaran a bha na bheatha agus mar a fhuair e bhàs aig Rubha na Cananaich.
Tha cluicheadairean air leth a’ lìbhrigeadh seo còmhla ri Lauren – Megan NicEanraig (fidheall, piàna, seinn), Raonaid Newton (seinn, clàrsach, bhiola), Mairearad Green (bogsa, a’ phìob Ghallda), Anna Massie (giotàr) agus Seumas Mac an Tòisich (buille-ciùil), le dealbhan le Somhairle Dòmhnallach.
‘The Seer’, a Feis Rois commission, is a new suite of music written by Lauren MacColl based on the life and prophecies of our most renowned Highland prophet - The Brahan Seer (Coinneach Odhar). The Black Isle fiddler premiered the piece at Celtic Connections festival in January and these two Blas performances mark the launch of the album. The music - both instrumental and song-based - highlights a section of the seer’s prophecies and several characters involved in his life and ultimately his death at Chanonry Point.
A stellar Highland cast play Lauren’s music alongside her - Megan Henderson (fiddle, piano, vocals), Rachel Newton (vocals, clàrsach, viola), Mairearad Green (accordion, border pipes), Anna Massie (guitar) and James Mackintosh (percussion) accompanied by a backdrop of images by Somhairle MacDonald.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Seaboard Centre, Tain - Monday 4 September
Eden Court, Inverness - Tuesday 5 September