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Mairi MacInnes

’S i Màiri NicAonghais, à Uibhist a Deas, tè den fheadhainn as òige a choisinn Bonn Òir a’ Chomuinn a-riamh. Tha i sònraichte sgileil air co-cheangal a dhèanamh ris an luchd-èisteachd ann a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh òran. ’S i tè de phrìomh sheinneadaran na h-Alba, neach-cruthachaidh CD Gaelic Women agus bidh i tric a’ nochdadh air telebhisean is rèidio. Tha Màiri air obrachadh còmhla ri luchd-ciùil samhail Runrig, Phil Cunningham, Barbara Dickson, William Jackson, Tony McManus, Còisir Fir Chuimris Llagwm agus orcastrathan a’ BhBC.


Chaidh luaidh mhòr a dhèanamh air mar a sheinn i ann am ‘Far, Far From Ypres’ aig Celtic Connections. Thèid Màiri agus na cleasaichean eile air chuairt le ‘Far, Far From Ypres’ ann an 2018.

Sheinn Màiri aig fèis ‘On The Rocks’ ann an Èirisgeidh o chionn ghoirid, an dèidh dhi an t-òran ‘Gairm na h-Oidhche’ a ghabhail san ath-chruthachadh ùr den fhiolm, ‘Whisky Galore’.



South Uist born and bred Mairi MacInnes, one of the youngest Mod Gold Medallists, possesses the uncanny ability to connect with her audiences on a uniquely personal emotional level. These mesmerising performances make her one of Scotland's premier vocalists and creator of the Gaelic Women CD collection, she regularly appears on national television and radio. Mairi has collaborated with artists such as Runrig, Phil Cunningham, Barbara Dickson, William Jackson, Tony McManus, Llangwm Male Welsh Choir, BBC Orchestras, and sang in the Celtic Connections production Far, Far, From Ypres to great acclaim. Mairi will be taking to the high road with the full cast in 2018.

Mairi's most recent performance was at the 'On the Rocks' festival on Eriskay inspired by the remake of Compton MacKenzie's 'Whisky Galore' movie which features Mairi performing the title song' Gairm na h-oidhche'.

"One of Scottish Gaelic music's great assets" - Rob Adams (Herald Scotland)

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Clan MacQuarrie Centre - Thursday 7 September


Spean Bridge Community Centre - Friday 8 September


Tayvallich Village Hall - Saturday 9 September 

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