Tha Mànran cho ainmeil is cho aithnichte ri còmhlan Albannach a tha a’ cluich an-diugh. On a dh’fhoillsich iad a’ chiad òran, “Latha Math”, tha iad a-nise stèidhichte mar aon de na prìomh chòmhlain ann an Alba agus iad air cluich aig cuid de na fèisean as ainmeile san t-saoghal. On uair sin, tha iad air clàran a tha air iomadach duais a chosnadh fhoillseachadh, agus stèidhich iad an stoidhle-ciùil agus an stoidhle-rèiteachaidh aca fhèin.
Tha Mànran air trì clàran fhoillseachadh agus air luchd-èisteachd air feadh an t-saoghail a chur dhachaigh ann an deagh shunnd. Tha na sàr-chluicheadairean seo a’ leantainn orra a’ lorg dhòighean ùra gus tlachd a thoirt don luchd-èisteachd san nòs ùr inntinneach aca fhèin.
Mànran are one of the most well-known and best-loved Scottish bands on the scene today.
The 2011 launch of their debut single, “Latha Math” heralded a meteoric rise to the top of the Scottish music world that quickly saw them begin to play many of the most prestigious festivals around the world. From then, multi-award-winning albums followed as the band continued to live up to the hype that surrounded their early release, while establishing their characteristic sound and distinctive approach to musical arrangements.
Now with three studio albums under their belt and seven years of blowing audiences away with healthy amounts of passion, poise, virtuosity and vigour, Mànran are not slowing down and continue to explore new musical and geographical territory.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - Saturday 9 September