Rachel Walker
‘S e seinneadair, sgrìobhaiche-òran agus sgrìobhaiche-ciùil stèidhichte ann an Loch Abar a th’ ann an Raonaid Walker. Tha a guth binn ainmeil agus fhuair i an duais ‘Seinneadair Gàidhlig na Bliadhna’ aig Na Trads ann an 2013. Tha Raonaid air ainm a dhèanamh dhi fhèin ann a bhith a’ sgrìobhadh òran ann an Gàidhlig. Tha i air ceòl is òrain a sgrìobhadh airson iomadh tachartas, mar eisimpleir an fhèis Fasanta agus Pròiseact Struileag, is chaidh a h-obair a lìbhrigeadh aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail agus Celtic Connections.
Thathar tric ga h-iarraidh mar sheinneadair aig cuirmean agus o chionn ghoirid thòisich i fhèin agus an sàr-fhìdhlear Eairdsidh MacAlasdair a’ cluich nan dithis. Bidh Raonaid cuideachd a’ nochdadh gu tric cuide ri Skipinnish agus leatha fhèin.
Rachel Walker is a Gaelic singer, songwriter and composer based in Lochaber in the west Highlands of Scotland. Well known for her crystal clear voice, she was voted ‘Gaelic Singer of the Year’ at the Scottish Traditional Music Awards in 2013. Rachel has continued to make her name as one of the songwriters at the forefront of the Gaelic song tradition. She has been commissioned to write music and songs for several events, including the Fasanta festival, the Struileag project and has had her work showcased at the Royal National Mòd and the Celtic Connections festival.
She continues to be in demand as a performer, most recently forming a dynamic duo with virtuoso fiddler Archie McAllister as well as appearing regularly with Skipinnish and as a solo artist.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Carinish Hall, North Uist - Tuesday 5 September
Talla Shomhairle @ Aros - Wednesday 6 September
Bunessan Village Hall, Mull - Thursday 7 September
Eden Court, Inverness - Friday 8 September
Dunvegan Hall, Isle of Skye - Saturday 9 September