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Ross Wilson
Is ann à Muile a tha Ross MacUilleim, cluicheadair piàna agus meur-chlàr. Tha Ross na bhall den chòmhlan Tide Lines ach cluinnear e cuideachd a’ cluich còmhla ri Urban Teuchters agus Macanta o àm gu àm. B’ esan fear de na buill a stèidhich ‘The League of Highland Gentlemen’. Tha Ross ag obair mar innleadair stiùidio agus riochdaire ann an Glaschu.
Ross Wilson is a pianist/keyboard player from the inner Hebridean island of Mull on the West Coast of Scotland. Ross is currently a member of Scottish band, Tide Lines, but can also occasionally be found playing with The Urban Teuchters and Macanta. As a side-line project, he is a founder member of The League of Highland Gentlemen. Ross also works as a studio engineer and producer in Glasgow.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Carinish Hall, North Uist - Tuesday 5 September
Talla Shomhairle @ Aros- Wednesday 6 September
Bunessan Village Hall, Mull - Thursday 7 September
Eden Court, Inverness - Friday 8 September

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