Tha triùir de phrìomh sheinneadairean òga na Gàidhlig a’ tighinn còmhla ann am pròiseact a chuir Fèisean nan Gàidheal air dòigh airson Blas. Is iad na bana-bhàird a tha fa-near dhaibh agus tha am prògram stèidhichte air òrain a chaidh a sgrìobhadh o thaobh nam ban. Tha cliù aca gu h-ionadail agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta mar shàr sheinneadairean agus a-nis bidh iad a’ seinn còmhla gus na h-òrain a lìbhrigeadh ann an dòigh cumhachdach le làn urram don bhàrdachd. Cumaidh Innes MacIlleBhàin taic riutha air piàna agus giotàr.
Three of Gaelic’s finest young singers come together to perform the music of Gaelic bardesses, in a project brought together by Fèisean nan Gàidheal for the Blas festival which focused on songs written from a woman’s perspective. Having already established themselves individually both at home and internationally as forces to be reckoned with in Gaelic song, together they create a powerful and mature sound with a great respect for the material they are performing. They will be joined by Innes White on guitar and piano.
Blas Festival 2017 Appearances
Golspie Inn - Saturday 2 September
St Andrew's Cathedral - Sunday 3 September