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Tha Skerryvore, a bhuannaich duais airson Còmhlan Traidiseanta Cluiche-beò na Bliadhna aig Na Trads ann an 2016 (agus 2011), a’ toirt ‘Live Forever’ gu bruaichean Nis aig Eden Court airson Blas 2017. Air chuairt anns na Stàitean Aonaichte an-dràsta, cluichidh an còmhlan (le Scott Wood, a bha sa chuairt dheireannaich san fharpais airson Ceòladair Traidiseanta Òg na Bliadhna) measgachadh de cheòl ùr agus ceòl air a bheil sinn eòlach.

Skerryvore, Scottish Traditional Music Live Act of 2016 (and 2011), bring their high octane, ‘Live Forever,’ theatre set to the banks of the River Ness at Eden Court during BLAS Festival 2017. Taking a break from their US tour, the 8 piece band, now including Young Traditional Musician Finalist Scott Wood, will perform new material and new arrangements alongside a varied set of established songs and tunes.

Blas Festival 2017 Appearances

Eden Court, Inverness - Thursday 7 September 

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